The Future – Turning into my Mother?

My art practice is looking at my past, present and future for this last module for my MA Arts Practice (Arts, Health and Wellbeing) at University of South Wales.

How do I see “old age”?

How do I see my life ahead of me?

Do I see it through “rose-tinted glasses”?

The Future – My art work

The photographs used were taken as part of my Positive Ageing photoshoot.  The top photograph (of me) was printed in black and white (although the printer printed it out with a colour cast) and the bottom one (of my mother) was printed out in colour.

These are the original photographs used:


I quite liked the “rose-tinted” version of my present life – although I’m not sure if I would like my future to be even brighter.

I printed out the future in colour and the present in black and white.  Perhaps it should be the other way around.

I was quite pleased with my experimentation and it’s given me ideas for further work.

